Day 257 – I’m Back

To hold on

or not to hold on

that is the question



When I cause hurt in another

I hold onto the pain until

they say its ok to recover


Is it good to be a prisoner

inside her feelings

Why am I doing this?

Is there some kind of benefit

Resulting in ultimate bliss?


Is it unfair to feel pleasure

ever again until given permission

by the ones I’ve stung?

When is that permission given?

When I finally cough up my left lung?


How can I tell them to let the pain go

When I caused it

“No, you see, you have to learn forgiveness,

and move on, you see…”

And if I can’t tell them

How can I tell anybody?


It seems that despite all this

There is only one way

An endless pursuit to seek the way of Love

My anguish grip will not fill

the God-shaped box

Inside their soul,

It will only burn

Blood for Blood

A vindictive Hole

Inside their heart


With that attitude,

I will be heading in the opposite direction,

Only teaching them to stomp on me

And reap the rewards of sweet revenge


Let my Light shine

and risk walking

the Hypocrite’s Line

Because Love is the Way

And this is the Day

When I cut loose the ropes of naivete

And let God handle the Fray


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1 Response to Day 257 – I’m Back

  1. Evelyn says:

    Different for you, way to stretch those writing muscles!

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